Anu Thailam is lauded for its capability to treat ailments effectively and imbalances rising above the shoulder.
Regular nasya with Anu taila nasal drops provides protection during periods of cough and cold.
Anu Thailam is used as a Panchakarma therapy in suitable doses, for draining out vitiated Kapha from the upper body.
Anu tailam imparts unctuousness. It delivers the nourishing properties of the Jeevniya Gana herbs (herbs that increase Ojas ) to the body.
Arrests hair fall and breakage, reviving dull, lustreless hair.
Regular application of Anu taila nasal drops modulates the activity of neurotransmitters in the head.
Adults: 2-4 drops in each nostril. Children: 1-2 drops in each nostril
Administer anu thailam nasal drops after mild steam application to the neck, for best results. (The dosages may be increased or decreased based on the individual’s strength and disease intensity.)
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